Group Agreements Racial Equity

Group agreements are essential for any kind of meeting, especially when discussing critical issues such as racial equity. Racial equity is a topic that has been at the forefront of discussions in recent years. As such, it is important to create a safe space that promotes open dialogue and honest conversation. Group agreements ensure that participants can engage in discussions respectfully and with the common goal of racial equity.


Group agreements are guidelines that set the tone for effective and collaborative discussions. These agreements provide a structure for discussion and communication, which in turn leads to the achievement of the common goal. When it comes to racial equity, group agreements are critical in creating a safe space where all voices are heard.

Purpose of Group Agreements in Racial Equity

The purpose of group agreements in racial equity is to create a conducive environment that supports open dialogue. Racial equity discussions can often be emotional, and without group agreements, conversations can easily escalate and become unproductive. Group agreements provide a framework for participants to engage in the conversation respectfully and constructively.

Examples of Group Agreements

1. Listen actively

Active listening is essential for effective communication. Participants must listen to what others have to say without interruption and genuinely consider their perspective. Doing so creates mutual respect and understanding from the onset.

2. Speak respectfully

Participants must speak respectfully to others, avoiding derogatory language or tone. This is important in creating a safe space, where ideas and thoughts can be shared without fear of retribution or judgement.

3. Challenge ideas, not individuals

It is important to challenge ideas and thoughts in a respectful manner while avoiding personal attacks. This promotes open and honest dialogue, which is essential when discussing racial equity.

4. Seek common ground

Participants should seek common ground when discussing racial equity issues. This means finding areas where everyone`s ideas align, leading to productive conversations.

5. Embrace discomfort

Racial equity discussions can be uncomfortable, but it is essential to embrace this discomfort. Understanding the challenges and issues related to racial equity requires honest dialogue, which can often be uncomfortable.


Group agreements are essential for creating a safe space that promotes open dialogue, particularly when discussing critical issues such as racial equity. To achieve this, participants must listen actively, speak respectfully, challenge ideas and not individuals, seek common ground, and embrace discomfort. By following these group agreements, participants will be in a better position to engage in productive and effective conversations that lead to meaningful change.