Tie in Agreements Competition Law

Tie-in agreements are contracts between two parties where one party requires the other to purchase a product or service as a condition for receiving a desired product or service. In the world of competition law, tie-in agreements can be considered a violation of antitrust laws if they are used to limit competition in the market. This article will explore tie-in agreements in competition law and how they impact businesses.

The tying and tied products

A tying product is a product or service that is an essential component of the product or service that the buyer seeks to acquire. The tied product is the product or service that is being sold in conjunction with the tying product. For example, Microsoft requires computer manufacturers to pre-install Windows on their machines as a condition of obtaining a license for Office. In this case, Windows is the tying product and Office is the tied product.

Types of tie-in agreements

There are two types of tie-in agreements: pure tie-in agreements and mixed tie-in agreements. A pure tie-in agreement occurs when a seller offers a tied product only when the buyer purchases a specific tying product. A mixed tie-in agreement occurs when a seller offers a tied product along with the option of purchasing a tying product.

Antitrust laws and tie-in agreements

Antitrust laws prohibit agreements that restrain competition. Tie-in agreements can be considered a restraint of trade if they limit consumer choice or constrain competition. Therefore, tie-in agreements are subject to antitrust scrutiny.

The Sherman Antitrust Act provides for treble damages for companies found to be in violation of antitrust laws, which can be very costly for businesses that engage in illegal tie-in agreements. The courts have ruled that tie-in agreements are illegal when they:

– Prevent customers from purchasing competing products, thereby reducing consumer choice

– Create an unreasonable restraint on competition

– Create a monopolistic position in the market

How to avoid illegal tie-in agreements

Businesses that engage in tie-in agreements should ensure that they are not in violation of antitrust laws. Some steps businesses can take to avoid engaging in illegal tie-in agreements include:

– Offering tied products separately from tying products

– Offering tying products separately from tied products

– Offering consumers a choice of multiple tying products

– Ensuring customers have access to competing products


Tie-in agreements can be a valuable tool for businesses to sell their products and services. However, they must be used with caution to avoid running afoul of antitrust laws. By following the guidelines established by competition law, businesses can ensure that they are not engaging in illegal tie-in agreements and protect themselves from costly legal battles.